Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Belated Conclusion.

I'm sorry I concluded the Peru journal that way without much of a conclusion. Thinking back now, 7 months after coming back to what we like to call "real life" (at least for the college students and such), it's hard to really recall the tiny details of Peru, except for random moments and life-changing moments. I will say, however, that keeping this journal, no matter how few the entries appear due to the lack of my own computer, was the best idea I had in terms of a method to store some of Peru in a secret box of my own.

What I will tell you, however, is that the experience, no matter how blurred it appears now (you'll have to give me credit because we did a TON of stuff), has changed me. It makes me crave more and more. So, that's what I'll just have to keep striving for. A continuous flow of life-changing experiences.

Hopefully, the next time I'll write here, I'll be writing from another awesome place in the world that'll be amazing =) Til then, my loves.